US Dept. of Commerce Bans Kaspersky Antivirus
US Dept. of Commerce Bans Kaspersky Antivirus
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US Dept. of Commerce Bans Kaspersky Antivirus
Be on the lookout for fake Intuit QuickBooks related emails. Never click a link or button within any email that asks you to enter your account login credentials or update your account.
Some customers are reporting a fake Windows Defender screen that appears while they are browsing the Internet.
Today we want to alert you of a scam going around. People are receiving fake invoices claiming to be from Best Buy's Geek Squad.
Technology Alert. On 05/16/2023 Google announced on their blog that they are updating their inactive accounts policies. Google plans to delete accounts that haven’t been accessed for the past 2 years. These deletions will be performed in a phased approach beginning in Dec 2023.
Critical Alert. Potential security risk due to end of support for your QuickBooks browser. QuickBooks Desktop currently uses the Internet Explorer 11 web browser for displaying some of its reports and other screens within the QuickBooks software. Microsoft has announced that it will end support for Internet Explorer on June 15, 2022. This has forced Intuit, the makers of QuickBooks, to rebuild their QB Desktop software to use a custom web browser other than Internet Explorer 11. Users should be seeing Critical Alert pop-ups with QuickBooks and/or receiving email notifications.
Users report losing their Chromium profile settings and sync access during recent Chromium upgrade. This is not a bug!!
Microsoft recently released an March 2021 update named KB5000802 (or KB50000808) which causes some Windows 10 computers to crash to a Blue Screen of Death with stop code: APC_INDEX_MISMATCH. Some Diversified customers have reported that any attempt to print, even a Windows test print from the printer driver, will cause their Windows 10 PC to crash.
Some users report that Windows Updates KB4579311 and KB4577671, released by Microsoft on October 13, 2020, are breaking their Windows 10 computers.