WINDOWS 11 is Almost Here!!
When is Windows 11 being released?
The official release date for Windows 11 is October 5, 2021. However, Microsoft is planning to roll out the new operating system gradually to try to minimize how many computers might be negatively impacted at any one time.
Should I upgrade to Windows 11?
If you are a business, we strongly recommend that you wait. Focus on employee productivity and program stability over getting the latest operating system.
Wait a full year before upgrading your PCs. Let other companies experience and resolve the day-to-day bugs that are sure to follow the release of Windows 11.
This gives your software vendors and the user-base time to document Windows 11 related bugs and discuss workarounds.
If you are talking about a residential PC, then the decision is not as critical; however, remember to fully backup your home PC files before you perform the upgrade. You do not want to lose any precious photos or personal documents.
What if I want to upgrade anyway?
Please note that Microsoft has instituted new security rules which may make it more difficult to upgrade and maintain Windows 11 on computers that are approximately 4+ years or older.
We recommend:
- Backing up all of your data before upgrading
- Downloading and running Microsoft’s “PC Health Check App” on the PC you wish to upgrade. You can download the app from
What if I purchase a new PC or laptop?
If you plan to purchase a new Windows PC or laptop for your business within the next 12 months, ask the sales vendor if you can stick with Windows 10.
Some vendors may allow you to select between Windows 10 and Windows 11.